以下内容里的英语文章原稿来自Yahoo! Sports Soccer
Messi speaks publicly for 1st time since joining Inter Miami and says he's happy with his choice.
第一段 :
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Fans line up outside Inter Miami's practice facility to watch Lionel Messi's car drive away after training sessions . Players from opposing teams wait after matches to get his signature or just a simple handshake. His No. 10 jersey is everywhere in South Florida.
佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡(美联社) ——球迷们在迈阿密国际队的训练场外 排队 ,观看Lionel Messi 训练 结束后驾车离开。来自对方球队的球员在比赛结束后等待他的签名,或者只是简单的握手。他的10号 球衣 在南佛罗里达州随处可见。
FORT LAUDERDALE是佛罗里达州的一个城市 劳德代尔堡
"Fla." 是"Florida" (佛罗里达州)的缩写
"(AP)" 是美联社 (Associated Press)的缩写 ,它是一个国际性的新闻通讯社。
2. line up : (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:if people line up, or if you line them up, they stand in a row or line, or you make them do this
中文解释: (使)排成行
Line up , everybody!
大家 排好队 !
3. session :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a period of time used for a particular activity, especially by a group of people
中文解释: 〔尤指一批人参加某项活动的〕一段时间
注: "Training sessions" 指的是 训练课程或训练场次 ,通常用于体育运动、工作或其他领域中,表示一段特定的时间,人们在这段时间内进行培训、学习或训练。在您提供的上下文中,"training sessions" 指的是Lionel Messi在迈阿密国际队 训练结束后驾车离开的时间段 。
4. jersey :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a shirt made of soft material, worn by players of sports such as football and RUGBY
中文解释: 〔足球、英式橄榄球等运动员穿的〕球衣,运动衫
For Messi, these are reminders that he made the right choice. He could have continued his acclaimed career with another stint in Barcelona, where he rose to stardom . He could have signed a lucrative deal to play for Al-Hilal in Saudi Arabia. He chose the unfamiliar — to travel stateside and play soccer in the United States, and he's glad about it.
对于梅西来说,这些都是提醒他做出了正确选择的迹象。他本可以在巴塞罗那继续他 备受赞誉 的职业生涯,在那里他 崭露头角 。他本可以签下一份 丰厚的 合同,为沙特阿拉伯的艾希拉尔俱乐部踢球。然而,他选择了陌生的道路——前往美国并在那里踢足球,而他对此感到高兴。
1. acclaimed :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:publicly praised by a lot of people
中文解释: 备受推崇的,广受欢迎的
2. stint :名词(以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
中文解释: 固定〔进行某项工作或活动的〕时期
Mark did a two-year stint in the army.
马克服过两年兵 役 。
3. stardom :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:the state of being a famous performer
中文解释: 明星的地位
固定搭配 : shoot / rise / zoom to stardom (= become famous very quickly) 一炮而红
4. lucrative :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money
中文解释: 〔职业或活动〕可赚大钱的,获利多的
“From the beginning, from my arrival, it’s been an impressive welcome that we’ve received,” Messi said through an interpreter . He spoke publicly Thursday for the first time since announcing on June 7 that he'd join Inter Miami of the MLS.
“从一开始,从我到达的那一刻起,我们收到了令人印象深刻的欢迎,”梅西通过一名 翻译 说道。自从在6月7日宣布他将加入美职联的迈阿密国际队以来,他在周四首次公开发表讲话。
1. interpreter :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:someone who changes spoken words from one language into another, especially as their job
中文解释: 口译者
Speaking through an interpreter (= using an interpreter), Ahmed said, ‘I’m very worried about my wife and children.’
艾哈迈德 通过口译者 说:“我很担心我的妻子和孩子们。”
“Today I can tell you that I am very happy with the decision we made,” Messi said at Miami's DRV PNK Stadium in a room so full of reporters that some sat on the floor.
“今天我可以告诉你们,我对我们所做的决定非常满意,”梅西在迈阿密的DRV PNK体育场说道,屋子里挤满了记者,有些人甚至坐在地板上。
The 36-year-old said he's still adapting to his new surroundings. His family is in a temporary place in South Florida while they search for a permanent home. His three sons will start school soon.
这位36岁的球员表示他仍在适应新的环境。他的家人目前 暂时 居住在南佛罗里达州,他们正在寻找 永久的 住所。他的三个儿子将很快开始上学。
1. temporary :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:continuing for only a limited period of time
中文解释: 暂时的,临时的
2. permanent :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:continuing to exist for a long time or for all the time in the future
中文解释: 长久的;永久的,永恒的
He's still getting used to “hot and humid ” Florida, but overall, the transition has been “much easier than expected” compared to his move from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain, where he played the past two years.
他仍在适应佛罗里达州的“炎热 潮湿 ”气候,但总体而言,与他从巴塞罗那转会到巴黎圣日耳曼的过渡相比,这次过渡“比预期要容易得多”,他在那里效力了过去两年。
1. humid :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:if the weather is humid, you feel uncomfortable because the air is very wet and usually hot
中文解释: 〔天气〕潮湿(炎热)的
Tokyo is extremely humid in midsummer.
仲夏的东京十分 潮湿 。
“Me going to Paris was neither planned nor desired," Messi said. “I did not want to leave Barcelona, and it became difficult. But it is the opposite of what is happening to me now, thanks to God.”
Since Messi's announcement, Inter Miami hired former Barcelona and Argentina national team coach Gerardo “Tata” Martino and signed former Barcelona captain Sergio Busquets and veteran defender Jordi Alba.
在梅西宣布加入迈阿密国际队之后,迈阿密国际队聘请了前巴塞罗那和阿根廷国家队主教练赫拉尔多·“塔塔”·马蒂诺,并签下了前巴塞罗那队长塞尔吉奥·布斯克茨和 经验丰富的 后卫乔迪·阿尔巴。
1. veteran :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity
中文解释: 老手,〔在某方面〕经验丰富的人
a veteran of countless political campaigns
经历过无数次政治运动的 老将
The club's rise since has been meteoric .
Messi has scored nine goals in six matches with his new club, which is in last place in the MLS Eastern Conference with a record of 5-14-3. Now on a six-match winning streak , Inter Miami will compete for its first title Saturday against Nashville in the Leagues Cup final.
自那时以来,俱乐部的崛起 迅猛 。
梅西在他的新俱乐部中打入了六场比赛中的九个进球,而该俱乐部目前在MLS东部联盟中排名垫底,战绩为5胜14负3平。现在他们已经连续六场比赛取得 胜利 ,周六将在联赛杯决赛中与纳什维尔竞技队争夺他们的首个 冠军 。
1. meteoric :形容词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:happening very suddenly and quickly
中文解释: 突然而迅速发生的
2. streak :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a period of time during which you continue to be successful or to fail
中文解释: 〔不断成功或失败的〕一段时期
固定搭配: be on a winning / losing streak
Celtic are on a six-game winning streak .
凯尔特人队六 连胜 。
3. title :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:the position of being the winner of an important sports competition
中文解释: 〔重大体育比赛中的〕冠军
“Ever since the competition started, we knew that we would be starting from scratch because there was a new coach with the team and other new players,” Messi said. “From the very beginning, we’ve done very well thanks to all the new teammates that are here. This was a nice opportunity to start to change and to set hard goals for us, but goals that we were prepared to achieve.”
“自从比赛开始,我们就知道我们会 从零开始 ,因为球队有了新的教练和其他新球员,”梅西说道。“从一开始,由于这里有许多新的队友,我们表现得非常出色。这是一个很好的机会,让我们开始改变,为自己设定艰难的目标,但这些目标是我们做好了准备要实现的。”
1. scratch :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:if you start something from scratch, you begin it without using anything that existed or was prepared before
中文解释: 从零开始,从头开始;白手起家
We had to start again from scratch .
我们只好再次 从零开始 。
Miami defeated Philadelphia — a top-three team in the Eastern Conference — in the semifinal round on Tuesday. Messi ripped a shot from 30 yards past three Philadelphia defenders in the 20th minute of the 4-1 victory.
在周二的 半决赛 中,迈阿密队击败了东部联盟排名前三的费城队。梅西在比赛的第20分钟,在距离30码的位置,将一记射门穿越了三名费城防守球员,帮助球队以4-1的比分获胜。
1. semi-final :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:one of two sports games whose winners then compete against each other to decide who wins the whole competition
中文解释: 半决赛
2. rip :动词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:to make a car, boat etc go as fast as it can
中文解释: 让它/她全速前进〔指车、船等〕
注:在描述梅西的射门时,"ripped" 表示他用力地将球射门,并且射门速度很快,充满力量和决心。
In his debut on July 21, the seven-time Ballon d’Or winner sent a free kick into the upper left corner of the net in the 94th minute to give Inter Miami a 2-1 win over Mexican club Cruz Azul in the Leagues Cup opener.
在7月21日的 首秀 中,这位七次金球奖得主在比赛第94分钟的 任意球 中将球送入了球门左上角,为迈阿密国际队在Leagues Cup揭幕战中以2-1战胜墨西哥俱乐部克鲁斯·阿苏尔。
1. debut :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:the first public appearance of an entertainer, sports player etc or of something new and important
中文解释: 〔演员、运动员等的〕首次登台,初次亮相;〔新事物的〕问世
2. free kick :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a chance for a player on one football team to kick the ball freely from a position shown by the REFEREE, given because the other team has done something wrong
中文解释: 〔足球的〕任意球
He followed it with a two-goal performance in another Leagues Cup game against Atlanta a few days later.
In his first road game , a Leagues Cup elimination match against FC Dallas, Messi's free kick again snuck past the goalkeeper into the upper corner of the net for a tying tally that led to a victory on penalty kicks.
在他的首场 客场比赛 中,对阵达拉斯足球俱乐部的联赛杯 淘汰 赛中,梅西再次以一记任意球将球 偷偷地 打进了球门的上角,为球队扳平比分,最终在点球大战中取得了胜利。
1. road game :在这里, "road" 指的是足球比赛中的"客场" 。因此,"his first road game" 意思是梅西在自己的首场客场比赛中的表现。
2. elimination :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:the defeat of a team or player in a competition, so that they may no longer take part
中文解释: 淘汰
3. sneak :动词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard
中文解释: 偷偷地走,潜行,溜
4. tally :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a record of how much you have spent, won etc by a particular point in time
中文解释: 账目;〔比赛等活动中赢得的〕积分,得分
“He’s at the stage of his career where he’s done everything that any soccer player can do in a sport as one of the greatest players, if not the greatest player to ever play the game,” Inter Miami co- owner David Beckham said last month. “So he’s still hungry. I’ve seen him on the training pitch . I know he’s still hungry.”
“他已经处于职业生涯的阶段,在这项运动中作为最伟大的球员之一,甚至可以说是有史以来最伟大的球员,他已经取得了所有足球运动员可能取得的成就,”迈阿密国际队的 共同 所有者大卫·贝克汉姆上个月表示。“因此,他仍然渴望胜利。我在 训练场 上见过他,我知道他依然渴望成功。
1. co- :前缀 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:together with
中文解释: 和 ...一起,共同
2. pitch :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played
中文解释: 场地
Following the path of some of the game’s biggest names who have come to the U.S. toward the end of their careers — Pelé, Franz Beckenbauer, Thierry Henry and Beckham himself — Messi has certainly vaulted American soccer onto a global stage.
追随一些足球界最重要的名字,他们在职业生涯末期选择来到美国——包括贝利、弗朗茨·贝肯鲍尔、蒂埃里·亨利以及贝克汉姆本人——梅西毫无疑问将美国足球 推向了 全球舞台。
1. vault :动词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:to move quickly from a lower rank or level to a higher one
中文解释: 蹿升,跃升
On Sunday Michigan vaulted from No. 4 to the nation’s top team.
星期天密歇根队从第四位 一跃 成为全国头名。
He's a four-time Champions League winner with 10 La Liga titles. His 129 goals in the top club competition are second to Cristiano Ronaldo’s 140.
他是四次欧洲冠军联赛(Champions League)的获胜者,拥有10个西甲(La Liga)冠军头衔。他在顶级俱乐部比赛中打入的129个进球排在克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多的140个进球之后。
More than 17 years in and just a few months removed from hoisting a World Cup, Messi appears to still be at the pinnacle of his soccer powers. But for him, this stage of his career isn't about being the sport's ambassador in the U.S. or even accumulating more individual accolades .
“I simply came here to play and keep enjoying football," he said.
已经过去17年多了,距离他刚刚 举起 世界杯仅几个月,梅西似乎仍处于他足球生涯的 巅峰 。但对他来说,职业生涯的这个阶段并不是为了成为足球在美国的 大使 ,甚至不是为了积累更多的个人 荣誉 。
1 .hoist :动词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:to raise, lift, or pull something up, especially using ropes
中文解释: 〔尤指用绳子〕吊起,升起,提起
The crew hurried to hoist the flag.
船员们急忙把旗子 升起来 。
2. pinnacle :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:the most successful, powerful, exciting etc part of something
中文解释: 巅峰;顶点;鼎盛时期
the pinnacle of academic achievement
学术成就的 顶峰
3. ambassador :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country
中文解释: 大使
4. accolade :名词 (以下内容来自朗文词典)
英语解释:praise for someone who is greatly admired, or a prize given to them for their work
中文解释: 赞扬;嘉奖,奖励
She received a Grammy Award, the highest accolade in the music business.
她获得了音乐界的最高 奖项 ——格莱美奖。